This article is from: Naval Academy Athletics

Navy water polo player Caden Capobianco (Sr / Laguna Beach, Calif.), women’s lacrosse player Tori DiCarlo (Jr / Rosemont, Pa.), wrestler Grady Griess (Sr / Grand Island, Neb.), rifle athlete Clarissa Layland (Sr / Granbury, Texas), women’s golfer Stephanie Lee (Sr / Southlake, Texas), men’s lacrosse player Jackson Peters (Sr / Darien, Conn.), gymnast Matthew Petros (So / Broadview Heights, Ohio), women’s rower Tenlea Radack (Jr / Washington, D.C.), women’s rowing coxswain Maeve Swick (Sr / Annapolis, Md.) and men’s golfer Benjamin Valdez (Jr / Stevenson Ranch, Calif.) earned Academic All-District accolades for at-large sports from the College Sports Communicators (CSC) this week. Nine of the 10 will advance to the national ballot that will determine CSC’s Academic All-America Teams, which will be announced July 16 (women) and 17 (men).

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